A Ted Lasso Watch Party that never launched (compost isn’t just for worms, it’s for learning too).
Dream it.
Why watch Ted Lasso? The critical lessons from being curious and not judgmental to “be a goldfish” with a growth mindset have meaningful and fun applications to what it means to be a leader in the modern workplace.
Build it.
As a “booster series” to promote peer connection among managers after completing a leadership course, the watch party was designed to give managers an opportunity to discuss any lingering topics from their recent learning & apply them to Ted Lasso’s leadership principles.
Grow it.
The most fun part for me – working with our LXD to design a teaser video for managers that was inspired by the Ted Lasso series trailers to build excitement for the event. While this program is currently still on the launchpad, it showed me the value of adding fun, creativity and community to how we learn (especially during periods of rapid change and burnout). Who doesn’t want to be a goldfish?